Les vœux d’Alpha Condé, exilé en Turquie, ne passe pas inaperçu en Guinée

(FILES) In this file photograph taken on February 10, 2020, Guinea's President Alpha Conde (C), gestures as he arrives at The African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, during the 33rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African heads of States. - Guinea's ruling party on August 31 confirmed months of speculation that President Alpha Conde will seek a third term in office, a possibility that had already sparked deadly mass protests. The news came after the 82-year-old president pushed through a constitutional reform in March that critics had already argued was a ploy to allow him to run for office again in the October 18 election. (Photo by Michael TEWELDE / AFP)

À l’occasion du Nouvel an, l’ancien président s’est adressé à la nation et à ses militants. L’ex-chef d’État emprunte un ton particulièrement virulent envers son successeur, le colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, qui l’a renversé il y a un peu plus de deux, rapporte Rfi.

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